Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hitchcock Blonde Popcorn-Blogs David Lean

The best theater-... pardon me... theatre-blogger in Britain, aka Hitchcock Blonde, turns her attention to cinema, and the kick off of the David Lean retrospective at the British Film Institute theater at the South Bank.

The H-Blonde writes:

"The best literary and filmic realism stems from meticulously constructed fakery. The English, masters of precise practical craftsmanship and emotional detachment, do it particularly well: we frigid orgasm-feigning voyeurs are brilliant at building sincere pieces of insincerity that hit the heart by tricking the mind. From Thackeray and Hardy to Eliot and Dickens, our great realist novels are composed of the very symptoms of sham: cliche, stereotyping, coincidence and highly selective symbolism abound."

Read the whole thing HERE.

The H-Blonde is a legend in the making. She deserves her own star on the walk of fame (see above). Oh, and she can stop traffic too.

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